When I get too busy to blog, I know I'm too busy. On the other hand I had a stellar January. Right now I'm fully engaged in making work and teaching. I'm enjoying both roles and they are feeding me. The photo encaustics are still my favorites and I'll be posting new images soon.
I just finished the book "The Spirit of Abstract Expressionism" the selected writings of Elaine de Kooning. A most satisfying selection of essays. How fun to read about the process of various artists including Hofman, de Kooning and Wyeth. Particularly Wyeth whose work I love with a passion. Elaine de Kooning had access to so many artists and faithfully recorded her knowledge of, interest in and admiration for so many of her artist friends that now we can savor her thoughts.
John Updikes's death last week was particularly sad as I had grown up reading him. Every year, or almost, I waited for the new book to be released close to the beginning of the year. Though I haven't checked, I think I've read all this books. I remember reading his memoir in a rain storm while camping in North Carolina. Our tent was leaking and despite it all, wet socks and shoes....everything wet, I was engrossed in his writing though I remember thinking he was whining just a little bit. Since I was whining too perhaps that makes sense. This was an untimely death and I look forward to reading his last words in print.
Why the chair photo? Well next week I deliver my installation of chairs to dk Gallery for a show that opens on Friday, February 13th (yikes). I will enjoy once again visiting the "Family Circle". One of the chairs went to a collector in California so I just finished the replacement and wouldn't you know it's "The Princess".
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